Sunday, October 4, 2009

Our Bridge Has Burned Down (:

2008 (:

Hello Yellow (:

My week has been okay, dad's been getting on my nerves. I still love you, father.
I feel pretty dumb for what I did, but hey, I'll tend to learn from my mistakes
Thanks mutiara-ly, for listening. (:
Open house sure is fun. Had a Blast at both Tasya's and Amani's. :D
I love Ahmad Farid's daughter. She's the bomb!
Its been a week since I last smoked. Wohoo.
Its been 2weeks since I've saw you, I probably forgot how you look. <3

Finals starts tomorrow!
Gonna be studying like how nerds enjoy studying.

I'm off, and ily.
Cause you always try to feel me with doubts,
Saying that I'll look better if I was thinner,
Don't you know that you should love me for my inner,
When I left you, I came out a winner (:

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